Enabling change for next generation governance
Government agencies have seen an increased need for improving
and developing their information technology landscapes. This
is seen as a step to increase connectivity to the masses,
simplify management of state/local resources and facilitate
transparency. In 2009, governments have cost effectiveness,
quality and productivity enhancement as a primary objective.
As a consequence of the financial crisis, there is great
pressure to reduce cost of IT operations. Governments are
hence looking at consolidation, virtualization, shared
services, use of nonproprietary solutions and other cost-
cutting actions to achieve this.
This segment includes a range of government bodies such as,
- Federal government
- State/Local government
- Regulatory/Administrative agencies
- International agencies
The segment also includes government specific functional areas
which have been identified as the cornerstones of the
improvement agenda.
Key Drivers
KA SAP Solution's flexible and robust delivery models will assist
government agencies with budget reductions mandated by
government leaders. This will help achieve operational
efficiencies within the present budget allocations without
cutting corners at quality and functionality.
Enhanced monitoring and decision making intelligence, customer
centricity, business process management and Green IT are some
of the focus areas for the government. Partnering with KA SAP Solutions
will provide access to our extensive and successful
experiences with a varied clientele in these focus areas.
We believe that through our project management skill and
extensive technology capabilities, KA SAP Solutions will be able to steer
critical, economic advancement driven IT projects that have
been undertaken.